Discussion about evelyne94, camming since 2011

Age: 30
Location: Romania Bucharest

She was a camgirl from 2011 to 2014, and worked under 10 different nicknames on 6 different camsites
Model page



  • For me... the best Girl anyway :o)

  • really hot <i>girl</i>



    <i style="color:#E01B4C">Edited by MyCamgirl: Oh ok, so you found out her personal facebook and a video on a tube site and couldn't resist posting the links here because...? Yeah, right...</i>

  • haii girl how are you...

  • she also worked as an escort last year in birmingham uk... her username was SophieVIP on adultwork.com She sucked dick good and was an awesome fuck. :) Shame she didnt swallow.

  • She's never been an escort, never been to UK

  • Yes she has been an escort and yes she has been to the UK.... you obviously dont know nothing...lol. I know she was an escort 100% because i fucked her!!! You're dillusional... she's back in Bucharest and has a boyfriend now too. She was fired from her last studio too ;)

    She also worked as a dancer in the bucarest clubs and has also appeared in some romanian music videos....

    Do your homework and then come back at me.


  • And you know this how? Where did all this supposedly happen?

    She's single. Not an escort.

  • Considering I know her and talk to her on a regular daily basis, I would say you sound like a delusional obsessed fan who dreamt up these accusations of having spent any time with this person. Delusional fantasies.

  • HAHAHAHAHAHA... you THINK you know her!! I can see this is damage limitation on your part now.

    I'm not dillusiinal... you're the one who dillusional.

    She single.... LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

    She has a boyfriend who she also does shows with.

    Dude you know nothing about her.

    You wanna talk about her mother too?

    her infatuation with LES twins?

    Dude please stop making yourself look like an idiot on here.

    SHe has obviously lied to you!!!

    She was an ESCORT her friends know she was also an escort!! SHe told them all she was working as a dancer in UK.... and even set the settings on adultwork.com so that no one who was in romania could access her profile.

    You're just upset that shes lied to you... and that i actually fucked her.

    30 mins was £60 :)

    You're the one who's the obsessed fan who refuses to believe the truth....lol

    GUYS reading this...you can believe who u want... this is honest feedback on my part.

    1. She was an escort

    2. She does have a boyfriend (she performs with him on CAM)

    3. She was in the UK escorting last year

    4. She was fired from her last studio

    5. I've known Chrissa 5 years

    6. This Cyprs guy knows nothing about her and she probably to him lots of lies.

    im not trying to damage her reputation... she is a great cam model, does great shows... however she's a better fuck,, lol ;)

    Some pics to prove everything.... oh look... the photos were taken in a UK bedroom with UK electric plug sockets. (so she never been to the UK? hahahahahaha)

    also that small green letter "V" written next to SophieVIP means "verified"... that means she provided her passport as evidence to the site to prove she is real and not fake.


    NOw shut the fuck up and run a long u stupid little boy.

    Im not gonna waste no more time on a dillusional fool who probably still believes the moon is made of cheese.

  • Some escorting reviews for you regarding the love of your life..... lol



    As I said before.... run a long little boy.

    My point has been proven, i will no longer respond to your bullshit.

  • Guys how do I post pics?? I tried to upload and it says they were uploaded but they now showing up under the previous comments.

    Photos are of her in a UK apartment naked from her escorting profile and also some pics of her escorting profile.

  • Like i said. She isnt an escort. She is single.

    She hasnt or barely cammed in months. Hasnt been with that "boyfriend" in months. Yes they cammed together. Yes she's done music videos. You know "of" her, from various sites, you don't know her.

  • I never said she was an escort now!! I said she worked as an escort before in the uk. You know nothing about Chrissa, only what she has told you... and we all know that cam models always tell the truth.

    Yes she hasnt cammed with him in months... but she is still with him... lol

    You think u know her,,, yet i guarantee u never met her... i have met her... she's had my dick in mouth and her pussy like a lot of other guys did in Birmingham when she worked there last year.

    Dude u claimed she was never in the UK but yet i have photos proving she was in the UK. I tried to upload them to prove to you that u dont know what u talking about, but they not showing up for some reason. I can email you them if u want!!!

    You claimed she never escorted... yet i have posted links showing reviews of her.

    I still have her deactivated (verified) profile saved in my hotlist proving she escorts.

    Like i said... you know nothing about her at all. Only what she wants you to know.

    Your definitely one of these guys who is in love with her and thinks the sun shines out of her ass. I'm 100% sure u are so pissed off that u never got the chance to fuck her... lol

    Oh and i've known her about 5 years... i also so know her friends personally and have we all talk about her escorting behind her back.

    Im done with your dillusional bullshit... u carry on believing the bullshit.

    Ive proven my point and proved im not lying... where as u have proven nothing.... no evidence to back none of your claims up.

    Nomore responding to you... everyone can see i have not lied and u are full of shit.

    SHAME SHE DIDNT SWALLOW.... would have tipped her an extra £20 if she did ;)

  • "cyprs


    Considering I know her and talk to her on a regular daily basis, I would say you sound like a delusional obsessed fan who dreamt up these accusations of having spent any time with this person. Delusional fantasies."

    Of course you talk to her on a regular daily basis... but yet u never knew she has been to the uk? PMSL

    Ask her to show you her passport. hahahahaha

    Are you gonna cry?

  • I am not romantically involved with her.

    Aren't you a lovely person.

    You are out of the loop, she's been single for months.

  • I know you're not romantically involved with her.... she has a boyfriend.... lol

    Thank you for the compliment, i do regard myself as very lovely.

    I'm out of the loop??? Say's the guy who didn't even know she was an escort or been to the UK.... hahahahaha

  • I have to say, I know Chrissa too. I know she did shows with her boyfriend and she is living with him. I wasn't aware she was an escort, but that isn't a surprise to me because she is the worst liar I have met. She is a whore I am sure, but if you think she wants to be with you, you are wrong. I know her phone number, email address and also her skype, but I won't give it here because that is not cool. She is very close to her mother and talks to her mother everyday. She also lies about living at her auntie house and if you hear a guy it is her "cousin". We all know about her music video's because it is just about the only thing where she has clothes on.

  • She hasnt been with that person in months, not living with him anymore and has retired from camming.

  • Cyprs,

    I respectfully disagree with you...last time she was online was a month ago, she is still living with him, but says she is not with him. She says she has "doctor", she also says she is in beauty school now too. There are many guys that talk with her all the time and she has many guys give her money too. You just need to understand that she might say she loves you, but she says that to many guys to get their money. Unless you are laying in the same bed as her right now I would say you are just 1 of many guys she has cheat and lied to. But if you are happy with her then that is all that matters, but don't kid yourself and think that you are the only cock she wants.

  • She has been living with her mom for a month. Last time she was online was about 5 weeks ago and yes she has retired. You are a close romanian friend? How do you know men are still giving her money?

  • HAHAHAHAHAHA.... this Cyprs guy still dont understand nothing. He is in love with her dude, and is one of the idiots she laughs at behind his back. Aaron dont give this fool no more information, let her take all his money. He keeps saying he knows her, but knows nothing real about her... only the lies and bullshit she gave him. Everyone let him get scammed. Yes Cyprs we are all wrong and you are right.. she has no boyfriend, she wasnt an escort and she loves you unconditionally. #RETARD

  • I think Aaron actually knows her more than you "booboo".

  • really? Funny you should say that,,,, next time u talk to Chrissa.... ask her about her pimp boss Alex and his GF roxanna ;) Ask her about her ex studio boss B.P ;)

    You know nothing Cyprs

    You got made to look a fool weeks ago when you tried to say she hadnt even been to england or sucked dick for money.

    4 - 5 guys a day, 7 days a week for 12 weeks = a lot of inches of dick up her fucked out cunt.

    Dude i know her more then you'll ever know her, and that's what upsets you the most hahahahahahahaha

    She was an awesome fuck... really does work hard for her money.... lol

    PS keep sending her money so she can buy her boyfriend more caps and tattoos.

    I LOVE THIS.... you're providing us with so much entertainment on here by making yourself look a cunt.

  • Your information about her is seriously outdated, you just keep embarassing yourself, i told you, you are out of the loop. Move along as you suggested and yourself said you would a few weeks ago. You seem like the one obsessed here.

  • dude... you are seriously retarded. Me and Aaron are very much in the loop. You're the one out of the loop. You cant provide no evidence of what you state, none at all.

    Again making yourself look like a complete idiot. Why do you keep embarrassing yourself on here? Are you one of them freaks into humiliation?

    She is with her boyfriend still, me and Aaron know she still lives with him, just like all her REAL friends do.

    You're delusional, you dont know her at all. You just know her online.. lol.

    You've never even met her.

    Chrissa knows exactly who I am ;) (she actually knows me)

    Explain how i'm obsessed?

    YOU'RE the one who decides to try and defend her every time someone writes something about her.

    You're the one who refuses to believe the evidence and the facts.

    You're the one who keeps embarrassing yourself on here.

    So it's you who are obsessed little man.

    Average penis length= 6 inches

    4 guys a day = 24 inches of cock a day

    7 days a week = 168 inches of cock a week

    12 weeks = 2016 inches of dick

    so out of the 2016 inches of dick she took in her fucked out cunt... none of those inches were yours.... hahahahahahahahhahahaaha

    You claim my information is outdated... at least my information is factual and not BULLSHIT like yours.

    I look forward to your next bullshit response :)

  • By stating she still lives with her "boyfriend" you prove that you know nothing.

    Aaron even confirmed she was no longer with that person which i won't name "C", that ended months ago. She is seeing someone new. She moved out a month ago. I know this for a fact. Saying she still lives there only proves you are far, far, away in the UK.

    I am not here to divulge any information, as she is retired from camming, both of you have done enough of that as well as drag her through the mud. All i can say is Aaron or "S" is more up to date on the info.

  • i think you'll find aaron agrees with me.

    "I respectfully disagree with you...last time she was online was a month ago, she is still living with him, but says she is not with him."

    Again you know nothing, just like a stated before... you just keep embarrassing yourself.

    I await your next idiotic response.

    No one dragged her through the mud, you are responsible for dragging her through the mud by trying to make out that i was a liar for saying she worked as an escort. When i proved that she did indeed work as an escort, you started talking all this bullshit how well you know her. i mean come on dude, you previously stated you talk to her everyday and know everything about her life but yet you knew nothing about her little working holiday in the UK.

    Why are you not stating she's not an escort no more?

    Why are you not stating she's never been to the UK?

    I couldnt care less if you know her or not, i just wanted to prove that you know nothing and i have done that for all to see.

    As i said before, you're obsessed with her, you have an unhealthy obsession with her. All im gonna say is:- next time you try to call someone a liar, make sure you know all the facts... which this time round you clearly didn't.

    Lets see what stupid and idiotic response you come up with now.

  • I don't care if anyone believes or not, but she is a liar but the biggest margin I know. She is still living with her man, her man has another girl.....sure. She might skype with you from her mom's house or what ever, but she isn't living there I am sure of it. Let me guess she gets sick and you need to send her or her mother money? I bet when you skype with her she says there is no one in the other room? Like I said, I don't care, if you are happy with her (or you are Chrissa) then be happy, it is really not my place to say. I just have to say be careful because there are many guys our there she has done this too. If you want to see if you are her real friend try not to give her money for 4 weeks and see how mad she gets. I have no proof she was a prostitute, but I am pretty sure she was, it makes total sense. I have no contact with her anymore and have not in a while, but I know her I think pretty well or I know of many of the lies she has told. I am sure she has laughed at you with other guys and girls because she does this to everyone. Then when asked if she laughs at you, she will say....NEVER you are my love. LOLOLOL. Good luck with her, I bet she will be back online before you know it if you don't give her money every month.

  • Cyprs... we're waiting for your response.

    You've been made to look a right idiot.


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