Discussion about Ade, camming since 2009

Name: Ade
Age: 32
Location: Romania Bacau

She was a camgirl from 2009 to 2017, and worked under 26 different nicknames on 7 different camsites
Model page



  • Congratulations to all her tippers! Two years ago SensualTeen/PussyAde/A_N_A/Whatever_nickname_she_will_pick_next was just a Romanian girl who had no future and had to work as camgirl on a cheap site sticking things in her pussy for 99 cents/min. You guys helped this ordinary girl with no college and too lazy to get a real job to make a small fortune. She is sexy and naughty for sure, but nothing special. Nothing that makes you say "wow! i got to tip her all my money".

    She proudly shows the tips she got so it is easy to find how much she made so far in 2011. Only with tips (counting only the tips she posted on her profile), she got 654,867 tokens !!! ($0.05 per token = $32,743.35). Checking her online stats, in the last 6 months she spent 19:56 hours in private (71,640 tokens made = $3,582 ... considering normal privates only and no extra tokens with spy) and 4:29 hours in group (at leat 2,690 tokens ... same math... $134.50).

    So, only in 2011, this girl has earned at least $36,459.85. Free of taxes (LOL). Maybe not enough to live forever, but a big load of money for a girl with no job qualifications and who was doing the same for 99 cents/min not too long ago. Do you guys still think she is a poor girl who needs your help?

  • this is just what she do. You are really a crazy frustated person if you note the money that a model do. I realy thing you are ubsead because you dont have pussy and your life suks :)). frustated

  • Astro, you are right. She is over-rated. She found some sucker who tipped her a lot. The stupid guy even tipped her a 50k tip (about $4k). That guy spend $1000s on her, but he quit tipping her after he wised up. He really fell for her only to find out that she had a different real life and didnt care at all for him. What an idiot! She probably isn't too happy that he quit tipping though!

  • That explains why her camscore has been dropping drastically for weeks. Sugar daddy has left the room.

    She is not a bad model. She is hot and give good shows. The problem was that member that was spoiling her. She might not get the same amount of tokens now, but if she work hard she can make good money. Let's see what she going to do now.

  • Astro, if you look at her current work schedule, I think that she is working another site or more. She is not on that much in recent weeks. She logged in long enough to check her camscore about an hour ago, but had not logged on for two days. She used to work everyday at mfc except for Sat Nites when she went clubbing and Sunday if she had a hangover.

  • She is a silly girl, who made a bad decision, took a sh*tty tip and lost her fav perv, the one that got her tease to a level that members really liked. The tease, and the room are nothing like it was 6 months ago, when sugar daddy found her, liked what he saw and did what he did. She even cancelled private shows to play publicly with her fav perv, never mind, Cam Girls and Brains rarely seem to be in the same package, I lost nothing, LOL

  • Evidence of one cancelled private show, and the resulting appreciation, LOOL

  • Best ass on mfc :))))))))))

  • Astro baby u think u know me but u dont know me at all,i dont know if there is ur problem how i was or how i am now.

    Kranki(Bob) u should stop talking shit, u chose this way then go with it, i do really apreciate the effort u make in my room and everyting but i dont apreciate pervs and looks like ur one of them,first at all i did NEVER but never asked u to tip me, u did cuz u wanted to and actually i asked u too many times to STOP and u should atmit it,seriously what girl on every possibile site will ask a perv to tip??? i am 99,99% no girl will ask a guy to stop tiping but i did and not one time, so many times, u may have a house like a hotel and alot of money but u will die with them into ur hands cuz ur not happy, i may be a poor girl working on Webcam but i am happy the way i am not everyting is about money!!!

    Soon or latter u may remeber my words and u knew me too well to know that even if u would tip tht dosen mean i should take ur shits!!

    EEL baby i did not baned u cuz Rack tiped me, never and ever i would do that, i baned u cuz u tried to force me to do as u want and as i said early i dont take orden from anyone the reason i baned u was cuz i frced me to alawys open ur webcam even if i didnt want to do that, forceing me not to get naked after the tipers did my topic , think about it!

  • Guys don t u have better things to do than to stalk her,keep track of her tips and camscore.U are just a bunch of frustrated virgins that will never get that amout of money as a gift from anyoneno mather what u ll do.Get a life :)

  • Just to say that I'm not only talking trash about this model, I agree with "Ana's ass" comment. This model does have one of the best asses on MFC. Really hot ass. And the rest of her is not bad. Nice pussy also.

    Sin, SHE posted the snapshots of the big tips. btw, it is an old technique to play with tippers ego and get more tips. Nobody tracked the tips, SHE did. We only had to check the pictures that SHE posted, do some math and find out how much she made with tips.

    Her 15 minutes of fame is over. Now, she will either be lucky enough to get another sugar daddy, adapt herself to get tipped by other members or will move to another site that she heard that models make more money.

  • @astro: Please, try to be more soft on your comments. Say what you got to say, but choose the words wisely.

  • I can see astro u really enjoy checking out everyting about me, why dont u let me know who u are!!what are u scared of?

  • Ana baby, and baby is the right word, you were sacked, come on, you took tokens, AGAIN from racky, to close my cam, the evidence is in your gallery on my profile (electriceel999) at MFC. you had both sides covered, Gods in MFC in your room, entertainment, income and a cam score all others would dream about. But, you made the decisions, no one else, and saying you were forced to open my cam, LMAO, see the many messages there in your gallery from you saying you would ban me if I tipped, and begging me for my cam, I never asked you to take it, you always opened it immediately you logged in, ALWAYS before the room opened, ALWAYS. You even spied on me to see if I was involved elsewhere and often only PMed when you were caught. Finally, trying to convince other models that I say things about who I see while in Europe is so silly, they trust you even less than I do. You are right back to where you were when I was introduced, but now you work 2 sites, just to make ends meet. I told you not to let things go to your head, didn't I? Foolish child, so damn foolish.

  • No need to say anyting else again , a few guys live in a different world, and Astro i dont need a daddy to live, really dont worry for me i can live without a daddy too!

    for you EEl i have no words ur for sure the biggest jerk ive even seen in a website , i am independent and i dont think i have to expline anyting to anyone!

  • I have been thinking about it. I had some terrific times with Ana and we got to know each other very well. It had an end to it, but it was some of the best moments that I have had in a very long time. She is really a very good model. If you visit her, have fun and tip. That goes for the other models too.

  • I am not disagreeing Kranki, Bob , some fun times were had by me too, MANY fun times, check the gallery on my profile, it is only the strange thought processes that some models have, and the decisions they make, that raises my ire. I do hope the current raffle she holds will be drawn, the last one, when she took 200,000 tokens for it, was not. So sad for the many ticket holders, and of course the one member, Bob, that bought most of them.

  • Excuse me EEL did u participate in it??no but ur just a mfc jerk :)

  • Ana, instead of attacking the person, deal with the facts, come on, respond to the PM Racky sent me in one of his drugged up stupors, the one telling you to "ban the f*ck*r" , it is a fact. Or respond to the the picture posted on page 2 here, where you confirm the cancellation of a private ( pb) to ensure my show remained entertaining for you, and the big MUAH in the room comments. That is a fact. By continuing to repeat the same line, shows your immaturity, and lack of truthfulness. Baby , lool , there are 15 more pieces of evidence in your gallery on my profile, deal with the facts, and admit you would dearly love to have that sad day back, and tell that silly RackFrost to freeze up and go away. You said many times you did not care one bit about him, but do his bidding, for 2500 tokens. And, by the way, he has not tipped again since, and rarely even says hello to you, foolish girl. Enjoy the boredom of your room, and the lowering cam score you have.

  • Eel, thanks a lot for the funniest profile I've ever watched. You're one sad mother fucker :)

  • LOOL , streep, I wont involve myself with you here, but know I did NOT give you that thumb down, :D Seems you may be the mother f*cker, one of so many jealous peewee penised members at MFC. Only ever truth appears on my profile, and the 150 member friends I have, plus so many others that say hello, all appreciate that, and know why the galleries are there. I am where I want to be, with my girls in Europe, not watching them on screens like you , (snigger)

  • Kranki has gone from a hater, to not caring either way, again now being a lover, I wonder what promises he is receiving this time. A single 100,000 Token tip on his return to the Baby's room should guarantee him something, wouldn't you think. US$8,000 to a girl he has previous described in this review as over-rated, and a liar. Then of course, there are the ongoing day to day tips that he so generously gives to this girl who took 1,000s from him before, and I quote "He really fell for her only to find out that she had a different real life and didnt care at all for him. What an idiot!". Yes Bob, what an idiot you prove yourself to be. Your money, but you and I both know far more deserving and hard working girls could do with some of your spectacular support at MFC.

  • WOW, this girl is a truly horrible person. She sits in her room, with her sugar daddy, criticizing some of the less fortunate girls on the website. OMG Ana, where do you get off saying such rude things in your room about less fortunate but much harder working girls? What right do you have to pour scorn and ridicule on any other model in your public room? A more heartless and morally bereft individual I do not think I have ever seen. Go and crawl back into the sewer that you crawled out of. You seem sicker than many of the idiots who visit you, none of whom tip you, they all sit around waiting for sugar daddy to do what you tell him to.

  • Electri i have a single word for u Mofo:))) and "stunned mullet" if u spy on my ass why didnt u spy to see that i tiped her?? u guys talk but u have no ide what.

  • :fup, I assume you are Ana, or one of the only other 2 to tip her, in a room of 600+ usually enjoying their free show. You tipped who? seeing as this is written in such bad english, I guess it is Ana, but how would anyone know what you do with whatever premium account you have. And I wonder if you did tip, how much, an amount equal to anything you get gifted to you in a night? LMAO , never would you be so generous. Oh, what is Mofo supposed to mean, maybe Electric Eel understands your gibberish... Finally, look at the pic again, is your ass there, NO , I have no interest in watching you, just happened across your room and saw this, while searching for the NEXT link :P

  • As always there are lots of lies on mfc. You believe what you want. I will not attempt to change your minds especially eel. I will only say that I was under certain illusions from her sister which turned out to be false. So, things change. Eel, how I spend my money is my business. So, mind your own business. Stunned Mullet, you have a point. Not sure that you gave her enough chance, but that is up to you. I have no idea who fup is but I doubt that it is Ana or I would probably have heard in no uncertain terms.

  • How was it false bob she has a boyfriend

  • only one??

  • Actually, I heard that it was 6, but I only have pics of 4! :))

  • So, it seems Bob has wandered off again, cam score dying again. down 30% in the last month and heading to her normal area under 3000. Still a lot higher than she deserves, but with 3 or 4 others so in lust with her, she will not die. I wonder how long Bob will be able to control himself this time, but maybe he is broke after indulging with this girl for so long and so much, as his divorce because of her has damaged him quite a bit, sadly. keeping an eye on her space, lool.

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